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Saunders taught our lesson on Sunday. We talked about making room for
the Savior in our life during this Christmas season and throughout the
year. We talked about what it is we do and how it feels to have a closer
relationship with the Savior. We ended the meeting with sisters bearing
their testimonies.
"What will you and I give for Christmas
this year? Let us in our lives give to our Lord and Savior the Gift of
Gratitude by living His teachings and following in His footsteps. It was
said of Him that He went about doing good. As we do likewise, the
Christmas spirit will be ours."-President Thomas S. Monson
The women were asked to write down what Christmas meant to them. Carlene Adams shared this beautiful impromptu poem she created:
Christmas is... Joyful Filled with light
Sacred...Warm and bright
Exciting! Colorful!
A time to give
Grateful for our Savior
whose Birth and Life
and Atoning Sacrifice
bids us to ever live.
Sacred...Warm and bright
Exciting! Colorful!
A time to give
Grateful for our Savior
whose Birth and Life
and Atoning Sacrifice
bids us to ever live.
24th- Julie Ellis & Amanda Padilla
25th- Sue Walker & Christine Miles
26th- Jeanette Erickson & Laurie Rippon
27th- Kim Vanderveen
29th- Kathryn Brown
30th- Megan Hunt
TFOT, Pres. Uchtdorf, "Of Regrets & Resolutions", p.21
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