Today in Relief
Society we shared our testimonies through music. We shared our favorite
hymn and explained why it was our favorite. Then we sang one verse from
the hymn. It was wonderful to get to know more about each other and feel
the Spirit that comes from singing sacred music.
10- B-2 RS Mini-Conference (combined with the YSA Ward). 10:00 to 4:00
at the James Street Bldg. GREAT speakers, lunch, and time to mingle.
Bring those you Visit Teach.
Here is the speaking schedule for the Mini-Conference-
10:00- 11:00 Keynote Speaker: Gene Hatch, Bellingham Stake Patriarch
11:10 – 12:00
Charity – The Pure Love of Christ Chapel
Coping with Toxic Families RS Room
Baby Steps to the temple & ongoing Worthiness YW Room
12:00 – 12:50 Lunch in the Cultural Hall
1:00 – 1:50
Charity – The Pure Love of Christ Chapel
How to receive & Recognize personal revelation RS Room
Baby Steps to the temple & ongoing Worthiness YW Room
2:00 – 2:50
Fitting in when you don’t feel like you fit Chapel
How to receive & recognize personal revelation RS Room
Mixed Membership Families YW Room
3:00 – 3:50
Fitting in when you don’t feel like you fit Chapel
Coping with Toxic Families RS Room
Mixed Membership Families YW Room
3:50 Closing Exercises in Chapel followed by cream puffs in the Cultural Hall
13- Daytime RS. Katie Oslapas will be talking about some of her
experiences in Nepal, 11:00 with a Potluck Lunch to follow.
NOVEMBER 15- Blankets for Afghanistan, 7pm, Mimi's home
DECEMBER 1- R.S. Brunch, 10am, at Leticia Crawford's home
DECEMBER 8- Ward Christmas Party
5th:Joanne Bramer
7th: Bobbie Schenk & Elizabeth Sawyer
10th:Linda Rensink & Jessie Lydiard
11th: Constance Faulkner
Lesson #19 "Temporal and Spiritual Blessings from the Word of Wisdom"
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