not too high for us to achieve. It is simply to faithfully live the gospel
and follow the prophets. ....God so loves each one of us that he gave his
only begotten Son to atone for our sins. He knows us and waits for us, even
when we are a great way off. As we act on our desires and come to ourselves,
we will be encircled about eternally in the arms of his love and welcomed
home." -Elder Robert D.
June 25: Alysha Brown, Jill Jensen, Laurene Rusing
June 26: Michelle King-Ethridge
June 27: Julie Creager
June 28: Cynthia Brown
July 1: Clara Hamilton
LESSON THIS WEEK: To prepare for the lesson think about how others have
helped or influenced you as you strive to live the gospel.
July 10: Daytime R.S. Activity, 11am
July 19: Evening R.S. Activity, 7pm
PRESIDENCY NOTE: Check out our blog at We will be
posting pictures from our activities on this blog. If you would rather not
have your picture posted please contact Mimi Saunders at 360-224-6717.

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