Monday, April 22, 2013

Getting To Know...

Our new Young Women's President!

Heather Chandler, the oldest of four, was born on Vandenberg Airforce Base (her dad was in the Airforce!). She grew up on the coast of Santa Barbara and graduated from Tehachapi, CA. She went on to attend Ricks College for a year and a half before taking up a nannying job in Atlanta, Georgia. Here is where we see the hand of a loving Father in Heaven in our lives. She attended Singles Ward there and met Casey, who asked her out, and the rest, as they say, is history! They dated for a year and were married in the Atlanta Temple. The Chandlers lived in Atlanta for 2 1/2 years before settling in Tennessee for 7 1/2 years. A new job offer brought them to Poulsbo in the Fall of 2004 and yet another job brought them to us! Casey is now employed at Zodiak Aerospace, which is formerly known as Heath Tecna.

They are parents to four beautiful daughters, Brittney, Amanda, Camille and Darcy. Heather works at Bellingham Underwriters. In her spare time (which is not much), Heather used to love reading and scrapbooking. Since moving to the Ham, she has taken up bike riding with her family and absolutely loves it. Aside from being a Young Women's President, Heather has served in nursery, primary presidencies, Activity Days, Sunday School, as well as Enrichment Leader. Her favorite calling was YW 2nd Counselor.

Heather is very bubbly and fun to be around. You can tell she loves the gospel and lives it! Please introduce yourself to her and make her feel welcome in the ward!

Monday Minutes

"We ought to feel in our hearts that God is our Father, and that while we make mistakes and are weak yet if we live as nearly perfect as we can all will be well with us."- President Lorenzo Snow

22- Kathryn Faulkner
23- Kathleen Sasnett
26- Leslie Cook
28- Lani Galvin

Sunday School- Lesson 14
Relief Society- TFOT, Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, "The First Great Commandment", Ensign p.83

Saturday, May 11, 9:30 am -  2 pm, Stake Relief Society "21st Century Gospel Living Expo" at the Stake Center. There will be workshops, classes, and exhibits.  Lunch  will be provided. We will start with an opening session in the Chapel so Sunday dress is suggested.  

Sunday, May 12 (Mother's Day)- All sisters are invited to attend Relief Society for a brief program, "God's Love for Women" and then enjoy light refreshments and visit together.

Tuesday, May 14- Daytime R.S. Activity, 11am, potluck lunch after the class

Thursday, May 16- Evening R.S. Activity, 7pm, "Girls Night Out", at Julie Ellis' house (1944 Discovery Heights Drive)

-Check out our blog at and leave a comment

Relief Society 21st Century Gospel Living Expo Saturday, May 11,  2013
1. New Youth Curriculum – Nancy Lindsey 
Chapel (Choir Area) – 10:00-10:50am & 11:00-11:50am
Feeling a little lost amidst all the changes to the Church’s curriculum for the 
youth? Sister Nancy Lindsey, currently serving as the YW resident in the 
Ferndale 1st ward, will explain the ins and outs of the new curriculum and 
how you can help the youth in your life make the most of it. 

2. Family History: Everybody Has a Story – Marla Jones 
Relief Society Room – 10:00-10:50am & 1:00-1:50pm
The names on your family tree are more than just names. They all have 
personal stories and experiences that can enrich your family’s life. 
Sister Marla Jones illustrates the ways and benefits of searching out 
your ancestors’ stories and experiences. 

3. Family History: New Family Search - Barbara and Norm Catanzaro: 
Relief Society Room – 11:00-11:50am
The Stake Presidency’s 2013 challenge for everyone to find an ancestor and 
do the saving ordinances for that ancestor can seem overwhelming, in the 
face of recent changes. Brother and Sister Catanzaro can help you get a 
start and navigate you through the websites that will help identify ancestors 
and submit their names to the temple.

4. Navigating the Challenges of Non-Traditional, GospelCentered Families - Panel Discussion
Primary Room – 10:00-10:50am, 11:00-11:50am, & 1:00-1:50pm
Dallin H. Oaks stated that while we all can’t live the traditional family structures 
outlined in The Family: A Proclamation to the World, they can still be an ideal 
we hold as a guide. Discuss the experiences, advice and insight of others who 
have met the challenges of parenting as single parents, part member families, 
blended families or families who have chosen adoption.
Sister Deborah Royal will moderate the discussion. 

5. Productive Use of Media in Today’s LDS Family - Heather Chandler 
YW Room 1 (102-104) – 10:00-10:50am, 11:00-11:50am, & 1:00-1:50pm 
With the rapid increase and change in the digital world, families face decisions about 
the pros and cons of using cell phones, texting, the internet, social media, video games, 
etc. The Church has embraced the media and put it to good use; families can too. 

6. Building Healthy Relationships - Peggy Butler
YW Room 2 (105-107) - 11:00-11:50am & 1:00-1:50pm 
Every couple, every family, every relationship hopes for growth and change for the better. Hear and 
discuss research in marital therapy that has practical application to how you approach the people you 
care about. Peggy Butler, a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, meets with individuals, families and 
couples on a regular basis as a counselor with LDS Family Services serving the Skagit County area.

7. Dealing With Difficult People - Leticia Crawford
Room 119A - 10:00-10:50am & 11:00-11:50am
Find yourself emotionally and mentally drained by individuals in your life? Looking 
for ways to improve your interactions with those individuals? Sister Leticia Crawford, 
a trained therapist, can help! Her information will be presented in two parts. 
Session One (10:00-10:50am): Participants will learn about the types of personalities 
that many find difficult to interact with, such as narcissistic or self-absorbed 
**Session Two (11:00-11:50am): Participants will learn how to effectively communicate 
with these personalities in a manner that can positively affect everyone. 

8. Channeling your Inner Couponer - Serrah McEwan 
Room 119
Wishing you could stretch your budget a little bit farther? This class can 
help you learn how to clip coupons to get more for your money and at 
the same time increase your home storage inventory while learning how 
to pay less than the rest. Sister McEwan has made significant savings for 
her family at the checkout counter.

9. Fitting In When You Don’t Fit In- Julie Drake
YW Room 2 (105-107) – 10:00-10:50am
YW Room 1 (102-104) – 1:00-1:00pm
Do you ever look around you and wonder if you are a square peg in a world full 
of round holes? Chances are, you have. Come listen to and share insight and 
experiences with others who feel or have felt the same way! 

10. Parenting in a Gospel Centered Home - Tina Hackwell
Room 110 – 10:00-10:50am, 11:00-11:50am, & 1:00-1:50pm
Sister Tina Hackwell will lead the discussion on the many challenges of
parenting, using The Family; A Proclamation to the World as a guide. She will 
address such issues as raising respectful children, establishing healthy habits 
(scripture reading, prayer, FHE), dealing with sibling disputes, and instilling 
family values. 

11. Finding Our Worth in the Lord - Christen Hogsett 
Room 122 – 10:00-10:50am, 11:00-11:50am, & 1:00-1:50pm
It is easy to let our self-image and sense of self-worth fall prey to the myriad voices in 
the world and in the LDS culture telling us who we should be as women. This is for 
anyone who has doubted herself, found herself wanting when compared to others, or
simply gotten lost in all the ‘shoulds’ being aimed at her. Come participate in a 
refresher course on where we can look and on whom we can depend for our sense of 
worth in an ever-changing world. 

12. Pornography: Signs and Solutions – Brent and Sherri Wright
High Council Room – 10:00-10:50am, 11:00-11:50am, & 1:00-1:50pm
Pornography is an ever-present concern to families and Church leadership. Learn ways 
to identify the dangers, protect your home, and help those struggling with 

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Monday Minutes

We had a last minute switch of teacher and lesson. We discussed chapter 5, "The Grand Destiny of the Faithful", from the Lorenzo Snow manual. We discussed the doctrine, "As man now is, God once was; As God now is, man may be." We talked about how our knowledge of our Divine Destiny influences the way we see ourselves. One sister shared the acronym DIVA to help us remember how we should think of ourselves and how we should treat each other.
D- Daughters
I- Instilled with
V- Virtuous 
A- Attitude

15- Rose Maxim
16- Nancy Shogren & Shannon Winkler
19- Saundra Tanner, Ellen Jones & April Weed

Sunday School- Lesson 13
Relief Society- Chapter 6 "Becoming Perfect before the Lord: A Little Better Day by Day"

 April 18- Evening RS Activity, 7pm, "April Awareness", Those who would like to can create "car kits" by sealing items into mylar pouches.  We will provide the mylar bags. Each family needs to bring to the activity the things they would like in their pouches.  There is a list of items to consider putting in family pouches on the Bellingham 2 Relief Society blog. If you would like, please bring a snack to share made from items from your food storage. (Example: sliced apples, cookies you bake from stored flour, sugar, and oatmeal)

Saturday, May 11, 9:30 am -  2 pm, Stake Relief Society "21st Century Gospel Living Expo" at the Stake Center. There will be workshops, classes, and exhibits.  Lunch  will be provided. We will start with an opening session in the Chapel so Sunday dress is suggested.  

***SAVE THE DATE: May 12, Mother's Day, All sisters are invited to attend Relief Society for a brief program, "God's Love for Women" and then enjoy light refreshments and visit together.

Monday, April 8, 2013

"Conference is now over. As we return to our homes, may the Spirit we have felt here be and abide with us as we go about those things which occupy us each day. May we show increased kindness one toward another. May we ever be found doing the work of the Lord." -President Thomas S. Monson

If you missed any of the Conference talks you can listen to them on the Church website at

8- Jaquelyn Pacl
12- Tiffany Smith
14- Annajean Dzialo

Sunday School- Lesson 12
Relief Society- Chapter 6


APRIL AWARENESS CHALLENGE: All families in the ward should have been contacted and advised that we are beginning our Ward-wide disaster drill today (Monday, April 8).  The challenge is totally voluntary and can be adjusted to meet the needs of individual families.  The goal is for each family to attempt to spend no money during this week, but if purchases are necessary, keep track of them so that you can identify areas of weakness in your personal preparedness.  If you have questions about this drill, call Geri Chumley.

 9- Daytime RS Activity,11 am, Class:"Come learn how to Clean Green" followed by a potluck lunch.
 14- Fast Sunday
 18- Evening RS Activity, 7pm, "April Awareness", Those who would like to can create "car kits" by sealing items into mylar pouches.  We will provide the mylar bags. Each family needs to bring to the activity the things they would like in their pouches.  There is a list of items to consider putting in family pouches on the Bellingham 2 Relief Society blog. (Scroll down the blog)

SAVE THE DATE *** May 11- Stake Relief Society Mini Conference, 9:30 - 2:00 at the Stake Center