Monday, February 18, 2013

Monday Minutes

We discussed the difference between a testimony and conversion. We also discussed some things that can get in the way of Latter Day Saints reaching the point where it becomes natural for us to do the things required by our Heavenly Father.
"We talk of walking in the light of the Spirit and of feeling it upon us, but do we do these things? We ought to dig deep into the things of God, lay our foundation upon the rock, until we come to that water which shall be in us an everlasting fountain of eternal life."-Pres. Lorenzo Snow

19- Tabitha Deike & Sharon Kleinknecht
20- Kenra O'Halloran
23- Judy Capp
24- Jessica Norman

TFOT- Sis. Burton, p.78 (Nov. 2012 Ensign), "First Observe, Then Serve"

21- Evening R.S. Activity- 7pm- Creative Connections! Come learn how to make special memories with the Ones you Love~ with little or no money! Nursery provided and "Give Away/Take Away" tables set up!

23- Saturday R.S. Activity- 9am at James St. Bldg., Cooking class with Geri Chumley and Christie Madsen

24- Pres. and Sister Youngberg are back from their mission to Jordan (in the Middle East) and will be giving a fireside at 7:00 PM at the James Street Bldg.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day!

Please click on link below for a short video message on LOVE!

"May I share with you a formula that in my judgment will help you and help me to journey well through mortality... First, fill your mind with truth; second, fill your life with service; and third, fill your heart with love."
--Thomas S. Monson, "Formula for Success," Ensign, Mar. 1996, 2

"Every person who comes to earth is a spirit son or daughter of God. Since all love emanates from God, we are born with the capacity and the desire to love and to be loved. One of the strongest connections we have with our premortal life is how much our Father and Jesus loved us and how much we loved Them. Even though a veil was drawn over our memory, whenever we sense true love, it awakens a longing that cannot be denied."
--John H. Groberg, "The Power of God's Love," Ensign, Nov. 2004, 9

"If you ponder the scriptures and begin to do what you covenanted with God to do, I can promise you that you will feel more love for God and more of His love for you."
--Elder Henry B. Eyring, Ensign, Nov. 2001, 17

Monday, February 11, 2013

Monday Minutes

Lorenzo Snow said, "When we received this Gospel, we covenanted before God that we would be led, that we would be governed, and would follow the suggestions of the Holy Spirit, that we would follow the suggestions of the principle that gives life, that gives knowledge, that gives understanding of the things of God, that communicates the mind of God; and that we would labor for the accomplishment of the purposes of God in the salvation of the human family, adopting as a motto of life, 'The Kingdom of God, or nothing'."

11- Kay Surber
15- Amanda Benson

Chapter 3, "Lifelong Conversion: Continuing to Advance in the Principles of Truth"

12- Daytime R.S. Activity- 11am, Valerie Fife is speaking about Art and it's influence in our lives
21- Evening R.S. Activity- 7pm Creative Connections, Making Memories with the ones you love.
23- Saturday R.S. Activity- 9am at James St. Bldg., Cooking class with Geri Chumley and Christie Madsen

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Blanket Project Compete!

We did it! We completed about 50 blankets. Dave Reid took a third of them with him on his way back to Afghanistan. Jennifer McCleve shipped the rest to her military friends who are making sure they arrive safely. The first shipment went to families dwelling in caves who have nothing, and the rest will go to refugee camps in Afghanistan. Thank you to all you wonderful sisters for doing your part and touching the lives of these people in their hardships.