Monday, May 28, 2012

Monday Minutes

Lesson Highlights from last Sunday:
"Our Heavenly Father did not launch us on our eternal voyage without providing the means whereby we could receive from Him guidance to ensure our safe return. I speak of prayer. I speak too of the whisperings from that still, small voice; and I do not overlook the holy scriptures, which contain the word of the Lord and the words of the prophets- provided to us to help us successfully cross the finish line." -President Monson

This Sunday’s Lesson: "The Love of God", 1 Nephi 11:21- 22

Birthdays this week:
May 29th: La Rue Czajkowski
May 29th: Angela Jorgenson
May 30th: Lynda Archer
May 30th: Jill Evans
May 30th: Mai Le
June 2nd: Julie Warwick

Upcoming Activities: 
June 9- Temple Day of Service, 9am-12 at BC Temple
June 10- Ward Adult Fireside, 7pm, dessert provided
June 12- Daytime R.S. Activity, 11am
June 14- Evening R.S. Activity: 630pm, BBQ at the Ellis Home
June 16 & 17- Stake Conference
August 11- Ward BBQ at Cornwall Park

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Getting to Know....

Have you met the OTHER Emily? Not Emily G but Emily P-- for Pool. She is relatively new in our ward! Born in Seattle, WA, she hails from a family of four children. She has two brothers and one sister. She graduated from Western Washington University and went on to obtain her Master's Degree from City University in School Counseling. Emily currently serves as the high school counselor at Lummi Nation School, and has been there in various positions for six years. From what I hear (not from her), they wouldn't know what to do without her there.

 (Here is the beautiful Emily with her niece)

Emily loves to travel. Some of her favorite places have been to Boston, the Caribbean, and Japan. She loves learning and doing and enjoys being outdoors. A favorite food is Chips and Salsa. A guilty pleasure is Masterpiece Theatre, of which she has a little collection (can we say Movie Night at Emily's?).

She has served as a life guard at Girl's Camp, as the Education Counselor in Relief Society, as Institute Council President, and is currently team teaching our cute (and energetic) CTR 4 class in primary.

One thing I love about Emily is her spontaneity and sense of adventure. Just recently, she took a quick road trip down to Redding, CA with some buddies  just so they could fully experience the solar eclipse.

Please go out of your way to say HELLO and get to know Emily. You will be so glad you did!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Monday Minutes

Lesson Highlights from last Sunday:
 “Prayer is a powerful influence in our personal lives, our homes, and
our communities.”

This Sunday’s Lesson: TFOT: “The Race of Life” by President Monson
(April ’12 conference)

Birthdays this week:
 22nd: Darlene Barlow
 25th Andrea Mason
 27th: Janet Haines

Upcoming Activities: Thursday, June 14th, 6:30pm, Evening R.S. Activity:
BBQ at the Ellis Home

Note from the R.S. Presidency: Our Ward is in charge of deep cleaning
the kitchen this month.  Things that don’t belong there will be placed
in the "Lost and Found" area next to the YSA Clerks office (across the
hall from the foyer phone).